【Crown Me】黃心穎親填詞抒發心聲 透露三圍數字自嘲Cheap【內附歌詞】


發布時間: 2023/02/14 14:41

最後更新: 2023/02/14 15:59



黃心穎日前無預警下宣布復出,而且更自當歌手在今日(2月14日)推出新歌《Crown Me》,情人節正式上架音樂平台和MV面世。黃心穎此舉即引來關注,而《Crown Me》MV只是預告片,上載1天已超過7.1萬瀏覽。

《Crown Me》全首歌歌詞也是英文,由黃心穎一手包辦作曲、作詞、編曲和監製。此外,她的男友、RubberBand鼓手黎萬宏(泥鯭)參與編曲和監製,因此令人聯想她藉此歌抒發心聲。


歌詞當中提到自己三圍數字「the desired 33-23-35」,並又以「naughty」、「bitch」、「cheap」自嘲,同時稱這些形容,她都全樂意接受。

當其中一句「I've got my personality revised. Why is it still not enough for you and I?」大意是指她已改了人格,點解你與我仍然仲唔夠?


《Crown Me》歌詞:

Crown me naughty

Crown me bitch

Crown me beauty

Just crown me please

My teeth is pearly

My brows are trimmed

My face is pointy

My waist is cinched

*Come and give me a score

I'm ready for you to make me belong

I've got the perfect smile 3 inches wide

I've got the desired 33-23-35

I've got my personality revised

Why is it still not enough for you and I*

Crown me flashy

Crown me cheap

Crown me baby

Just crown me please

I want your comments

I want your views

I want the attention

Just like me please


My virtual self has her virtual words

And her virtual vision of unconditional love

This very virtual world got me my virtual belief

That the best part of me is my virtual worth

撰文 : TOPick柴犬出動